Grave of the Fireflies

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Grade 6
Mother of Sorrows
Movie Review
Grave of the Fireflies
Grave of the Fireflies, directed by Isao Takahata, is a 1988 Japanese anime film about two children struggling to survive during World War II. It is based on the semi-autobiographical short story of Akiyuki Nosaka from the 1960's. This is an emotionally moving movie that hits an emotional chord from the very first scene in the movie. Throughout the entire movie, you will find yourself relating to the feelings of the siblings and the hardships they endure while trying to survive on their own during the hardships of war without their parents to help them.
The movie, created in anime, is effective in illustrating the realities of wartime in Japan. The artistic beauty and innocence of the anime add to the powerful message that the story is trying to convey. The characters' emotions and struggles become the forefront of the movie instead of the costuming or actors that a real-life movie might have shown. The message of the story is particularly compelling through the artwork of this film. The children cope with the realities of war such as the air raids, death of family, losing their home and losing their way of life. Grave of the Fireflies creates an awareness that teaches the lesson that "war not only affects those soldiers engaged in combat, but also shows how far reaching consequences that one may not be able to imagine". After watching the film, you may ask questions such as, "How many families are torn apart by war?" or "How many children die due to the effects of war?" Watching the film creates an emotional feeling of turmoil because of the stress and sadness the characters face throughout their story.
The film is a thought-provoking depiction of the effect of war on human lives that would be appropriate to show middle school students who are studying social studies or history. It would be a captivating supplement to a unit about World War II and about how war can have detrimental effects on all those involved regardless of what side one is fighting for in a conflict. The film is an excellent way to use to teach about empathy and about the human element that is central to war. In addition to the facts that are taught about war, this film is about the reality of war and its authentic effect on real people. Students will be able to put themselves in the place of the characters and discussions about the characters or writing assignments could be used to complement the watching of the film. It is a "must-see" movie for anyone learning about the war or anyone teaching about war. It will change how you teach about war and it will speak to your heart.