Sisters of Gion illustrates Mizoguchi's style

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Sisters of Gion is a fabulous film for demonstrating Mizoguchi's one-shot, one-frame style, as evidenced by the opening scene, which pans through a nagaya-style house, one room at a time. The film is also a clear look at the 1930s, and the conflict between tradition (of Japan) and modernization (and westernization), which is clearly shown in the two sisters of the Gion. The film is obviously old, so the film and sound quality may bother some viewers not accustomed to classic film, but the cinematography is brilliant. The film is also short and can be viewed in one class period. Although the sisters are low class geisha, there is no nudity; most likely acceptable for high school and beyond.
Streets of Shame is set in 1956, just as prostitution is officially banned, so its a useful film for looking at that historical moment. Some of the acting will strike some students as over done.