Journey from Hué to Hoi An

As we find ourselves back in the bus, we eagerly await this nation's next splendor. The mountain pass national highway, HaiVan- sea and cloud, does not disappoint. Our ascent is slow and we are able to take in the breathtaking views of the East Sea.
At the summit we are greeted by eager shop keepers hoping to score a sale of their trinkets, crafts, or snacks.
A Russian and an American bunker straddle the top but to this romantic, I notice how love and union prevail with a beautiful bride and handsome groom posing on the dais for their pre-wedding photos.
While descending the peak and ambling towards Hoi An,a family vacation hot spot, I think of the laborers and engineers who constructed and designed the switch-back roadway. It is made to accommodate large construction vehicles and wide and lengthy freight haulers.
This brings me to reflect on my recurrent thoughts, complementary contrasts. Vietnam is a bustling quiet, a calm chaotic cadence of motorbike traffic, a sweet ginger and jasmine stench and a menu of simplistic exquisite delicacies.
My attention is immediately drawn to what I hear in the voice and the melody of the language. Vietnamese is very musical. They have drawn out vowels and hook catching endings to their words. The consonants are clearly pronounced and discernible. In short, my limited experience in Asian languages affords me the simple conclusion that Vietnamese has a lilt and lightness to it like their humor and spirit.
It is 42 years since the American departure from war. The spirit of the people is as mesmerizing as their voices. They have committed to self-improvement in roadways, tourism and national pride.
Hoi An is a tourist-town flowing with multi-national spenders looking for their new look at half-price, trendy shoes, and glamorous handbags. It is, however, much more than fashion to this town. The art galleries draw you in with poignant and dramatic photography of the local culture and population. The handcrafted sculptures and masks entertain the traveler whilst you stroll the tourist car-free zone. A tariff or entrance fee of 120,000 dong will grant you entrance to the assembly halls and the ancestral family homes, complete with alters, photographs of their distinguished and beloved family, and displays of coin collections, porcelain treasures and religious relics. The family greets you, offers you a tour, shares their lineage and explains the detail of their homes. They also will answer any questions you have about the blended architecture of the Chinese, Japanese, and French. Some nudge and encourage you to buy a coin trinket, make a wish with the two coins in a dish or light a stick or three of incense.
The gentle patience of their explanation and care in language accuracy are equally comforting and impressive.
The group met at Oodles of Noodles for a lively demonstration of their most impressive program and internship selection process. It is a wonderful opportunity for anyone in the country to apply for the extensive 18 month all inclusive in- house boarding cooking training program. This non-profit organization originated with the idea of training the less fortunate in highly relevant and employable skills such as food service, restaurant management and bilingual English and Vietnamese language classes.
We were entertained with humor, skills and teaching of the five kinds of rice available in the region. We made rice noodles and enjoyed rice crackers with three sauces. The fish sauce was a favorite by many.
Several group members took advantage of the better-known tailors at Yaly. Personally I purchased two dresses and a blouse. The process was nearly as impressive as the finished product. After 10 minutes of accurate measurement and photograph taking, I made my follow-up appointment for later that same day.
Once the final fitting is done, you may either wait for your garments or have them delivered to your hotel.
Evening comes early here in Vietnam, 6 pm sunset. It is that time of day when the travelers see the floating lanterns and the dragon boats on the Thu Bon river.
So much to see and do in this booming tourist town. Once again there is the contrast between the latest fashion trends and the steadfast family tradition that gives the visitor a warm experience of all in between.


Study Tour
