Korean Voices: Growing Up During a Time of Crisis

Year of Publication
Number of Pages
89 pgs.
The Korea Society
Citation Key
Curriculum Unit
Average: 4 (1 vote)


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Reviewing a developed curriculum unit

Field of Interest/Specialty: English
Posted On: 05/26/2011

When I first picked up this curriculum unit, I was excited to see that it incorporated "Lost Names," because I was planning on using that in my class next year. I thought, "Why not look at some pre-developed lessons to see what pops out?" Just to preface the rest of this review, I'm a high school English teacher at Central Catholic High School, which is an all-boys high school.
This particular unit uses both "Lost Names" and "Year of Impossible Goodbyes," the latter which I haven't read. The majority of the unit deals with the latter novel and toward the end of the lessons, incorporates "Lost Names." While the unit provided plenty of great lessons, it is geared for middle school or junior high school students. The most that I will take from this are general ideas for activities that I will have to adapt for my seniors in high school. While it might sound a bit silly, there are a lot of great activities that even seniors would enjoy. I definitely will use the activity that focuses on the names of different cultures - how people are named and how one's name changes if one gets married or the addition to a girl's name vs. a boy's name. I think they would have a lot of fun with that.
If you are looking for a great comprehensive unit that is simple and easy to follow for middle or junior high school students, I would definitely recommend it. If you are planning on teaching "Lost Names," while I wouldn't recommend using it in its entirety, I would at least take a look through it to see what ideas you might get.